Take all that plastic we go through day in and day out. I'm talking about the stuff that comes with food and bottled drinks, cosmetics, carryout containers, bags and wrappers — more than 40% of all plastic made is packaging, which is used only once or twice before being thrown away.
According to a recent analysis examining global plastic waste generation between 2010 and 2016, the United States was responsible for more plastic trash than any country in the world. That's millions and millions of tons of plastic waste. Per capita, that boils down to nearly 300 pounds of plastic trash per person(!) per year.
It's estimated that only about 9% of plastic waste generated in the U.S. is recycled and that the rest ends up in landfills, incinerators and, unfortunately, marine environments such as rivers and oceans. And there, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it will remain for hundreds of years.
Here are a few basic steps to take to curb how much plastic you have in your life:
Learn the story behind the stuff you use.
Do an audit of the plastics in your home.
Look for sustainable "swaps."
Be a conscientious recycler.
If you love a product that is using plastic, use the comment section on the company's website or its social media accounts to tell them: "I like your product, but I'm worried about this label. Is it recyclable? Ask them. Wait for an answer.”
We all deserve a better tomorrow.