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Thanks for Your Support!
Hi Everyone! This is Walter, one of the Shanghai coordinators. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that showed up for our event and...
Startup Turns Plastic Trash into Construction Blocks
ByFusion takes everything from plastic bottles to grocery bags and puts it through a process that fuses it all together to create one...
Biorenewable Plastics
Plastic waste is a problem. Most plastics can’t be recycled, and many use finite, polluting petrochemicals as the basic ingredients. But...
Webinar: Why Plastic is Harmful to the Ocean September 22 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Please join us for a panel discussion with researchers from UCSB and Duke University to better understand why plastic is harmful to the...
Webinar: Why is Single-Use Plastic So Bad? August 18, 5pm PST / 8pm EST
Please join us for a panel discussion with researchers from USC, UCSB and Brown University on why single-use plastic is so bad. We all...
Economic cost comparison of the world's best recycling system vs the US.
Certainly, the economic or financial costs of a recycling system are important to consider. If a system is not profitable, it is not...
Swedish vs American Recycling system overview
Standard American recycling system overview (Duong 2021) First, the consumers throw away their trash into separate bin colors...
Why A 1-Day Challenge?
Meet with students from schools where they have successfully implemented a school-wide event. Panel Discussion April 14 5pm PST, 8pm EST...
Including Nature in GDP
Have you ever wondered what is the cost of economic growth? Nature is sacrificed for GDP (gross domestic product) growth. The problem...
Have you ever thought of what happens to the microplastic we ingest every day?
Have you ever thought of what happens to the microplastic we ingest every day? Microplastics can damage a living cell. Research by the...
What is the real recycling problem?
Plastic pollution plagues the world as one of the most urgent problems that humanity has to deal with. 18 billion pounds of plastic flows...
The holiday season means more plastic and more pollution, and its consequences matter now more than ever. A 2022 report conducted by the...
Avoid Sequins This Holiday Season
"I don't know if you've ever worn anything with sequins, but I have, and those things are constantly falling off, especially if the...
Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics
With about 250 members, including people in research, at government agencies, at nonprofits and other organizations, a strong network now...
Urban moss, tire particles and microfibers
Granek (along with colleagues at other universities and her students) has helped advance our understanding of plastic pollution. In a...
Microfiber is Bad, Really Bad
Plastic doesn’t decompose but degrades into smaller pieces that will remain in the environment for thousands of years. On an overcast...
Promising start to plastic pollution negotiations as countries show strong support for new goals
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) welcomes the strong support shown for an ambitious global plastics treaty demonstrated at the first...
Refuse single-use plastic Chinese version
我们的第二场“拒绝使用一次性塑料制品”的活动在浙江金华拉开了序幕。 8月的金华气候潮湿而闷热,今天一早我就来到了活动现场,布置场地。我们张贴和置放早已印制好的背景墙和易拉宝等宣传资料和工具。并且我们还制作了精美的环保水杯和环保布袋,准备发放给那些参加活动的人们。...
Refuse Single-Use Plastic
The second event “refuse single-use plastic” topic was held in Jinhua, Zhejiang. On August 12, I arrived at the mall to set up for the...
US recycles only 5% of its plastic
The United States is failing when it comes to recycling plastic. According to a new analysis, U.S. households generated an estimated 51...
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